Transferability of Credits
The number of educational institutions around the world is so vast that transfer of credits with each and every one is a virtual impossibility, but is treated on an individual basis as needed. However, upon evaluating the HSU/HSTS curriculum catalog, many quality Christian vocational education institutions as well as some secular educational institutions have accepted our credits. Similarly, in the case of transfer students and students petitioning for credit for previous learning, HSU will evaluate the curriculum of other institutions previously attended by applicants to determine transferability of credits and degrees. Some universities reserve the right to accept credits from a university with a Christian umbrella, for this reason, we do not guarantee that secular universities will transfer our credits. Also, some governmental agencies reserve the right to recognize degrees from a university with a Christian umbrella. For this reason, we do not guarantee that a governmental agency will recognize your degree as being from a secular university.
Withdrawal/Refund Policy:
All withdrawal requests must be made in writing. The withdrawal period is computed from the Registration activation date. The date of withdrawal is the date the letter indicating withdrawal is received in the Holy Spirit University office. Refundable tuition will be paid within thirty-days.
The Refund Rate will be computed as follows:
During the first two weeks, only the total tuition paid will be refunded. The $50.00 Application Fee and a $100.00 Registration Termination Fee (total of $150.00) will be deducted from the refund.
After the second week from the date of registration 80% of the tuition paid will be refunded.
After the third week from the date of registration 60% of the tuition paid will be refunded.
After the fourth week from the date of registration no tuition paid will be refunded. Following the end of the Withdrawal/Refund period, all tuition will be due and payable according to the payment option selected at the time of enrollment.
Tuition & Refund Policy:
Our Financial Policy is stated in our catalog (online), and may change without notice, as may any of the courses, especially textbook and new material changes.
Inactive Mode Policy:
The student must keep online studing activities at least once every six months and finish at least one course every six month. If the student did not visit his study over six months or/and fail to finish at least one course every six months and he/she did not ask, in advance, for extention with reasonable reasons in writing, he/she will be inactive mode on HSU operation system. He/she will be warned and notified. To re-activate this inactive student will coast him/her re-registration fee $150 + ether (the differnce in tuition increase since his/her registration at HSU or the tuition of all remaining courses) which is less.
Degree Cancellation Mode Policy:
The student must finish his/her Bachelor degree within eight years, Master degree in six years and the Doctor degree in six years other wise the degree will be cancelled and paid tuition is non-refundable unless he/she gives reasonable reason in writing with full explanation and accepted by the HSU executive committee. If the degree cancelled, the student still earn all the courses he/she finished but not the degree. To continue with HSU and get the degree, he/she has to re-register as new student and has to pay all the degree tuition minus the finished courses tuition.
The Privacy Act requires that transcript request¬s be submitted in writing (typed or printed) by the student, containing the following: student’s name, student number, social security number (if applicable), telephone number, date of enrollment, approximate date of last attendance, the name and address of the person and organization to whom transcripts are to be sent, date of request, and student’s signature. Requests must be accompanied by payment of the transcript fee listed in the Financial Information in this catalog.
Statement of Conduct
Even though God’s Christian College is a distance education institution, and as such, does not support a traditional resident campus, it is none the less a faith based institution of higher learning. Therefore, you are expected to hold firmly to certain standards of conduct. At the core of those standards is the demonstration of the evidence of a Christian life both in the workplace and outside the workplace. God’s
Christian College student behavior and lifestyles are expected to reflect the biblical standards of morality, integrity, and effective Christian witness.
Moral Policy
The Holy Spirit University is committed to a biblical world and social view; therefore, acts of immorality are inconsistent with biblical principles as well as a breach of the code of Christian conduct expected of every student. Acts of immorality include, but are not limited to, the following: adultery, fornication, the commission of homosexual acts, theft, pornography, drug or alcohol abuse, lying, child and/or spousal abuse, assault, battery, and murder. HSU has taken upon itself the serious prerogative of instructing others in matters of morality and Christ-like living through programs and courses offered. In order to maintain the credibility of our faith based institution and message, it is imperative that our students be accountable to a higher standard of conduct and faithfulness than would be expected in a secular environment.
As Scripture clearly indicates, individuals privileged to obtain a higher level of learning ought to be held to the highest standard of conduct, faithfulness, and character.
We consider ourselves bound to interpret actions or decisions inconsistent with a commitment to a Christian lifestyle and Scriptural teaching, as a violation of the core values of HSU. Because the morality of our students and graduates has everything to do with the integrity of our public message, acts of immorality are a serious blight on the good name of Christ and the Church for which He shed His own blood.
No student handbook can anticipate every circumstance or question about policy. As Holy Spirit university continues to grow, the need may arise and Holy Spirit University reserves the right to revise, supplement, or rescind any policies or portion of the student handbook from time to time, as it deems appropriate, in its sole and absolute discretion. Active students will be notified of such changes to the handbook as they occur.
Doctrinal Statement
Holy Spirit University holds to a Doctrinal Statement that is Christ-centered and Bible-based. Because we are a trans-denominational, faith based institution, we realize that our students may hold theological and doctrinal positions not contained in the HSU Doctrinal Statement, even though they consider such positions to be of high priority. This is perfectly acceptable so long as such positions do not directly conflict with the basic core Doctrinal Statement of HSU. This may have implications when completing certain theologically oriented courses.
Students are encouraged to express their own doctrinal positions, but are expected to complete the coursework assignments in keeping with the position expressed in the course. HSU can foresee no circumstance where this issue should become problematic except where a student may hold to a theological position that is clearly outside of Biblical orthodoxy (such as a denial of the existence of one God in three Persons or personal salvation through any other means than faith in the shed blood of Jesus Christ, … etc).
Doctrinal Affiliation Policy:
Holy Spirit University is not associated with any ministry, organization, group or denomination. We are Christ-centered, Bible-based and unapologetically evangelical.
Registration Agreement
A copy of your registration (Financial agreement between the HSU and student) must be signed and dated and returned to Holy Spirit University within 30 days from the date of registration. This becomes part of your permanent record and a required document for graduation.
Academic And Registration Policies
Submitted courses will be held and not graded or a request for the next course may be held for the following reasons:
1- Student is behind on meeting financial obligations.
2- Student has not submitted required document (Signed registration form and official transcripts from previous institution attended.
3- Registration has expired after one year of no activities and/or no payment.
For one or more reason of the above statements the student registration may be terminated and require new registration and enrollment again at HSU. The HSU committee has the right to evaluate each case individually.
Academic Integrity Policies
The following statements express the policy of God’s Christian College pertaining to
academic dishonesty:
1) Cheating / Plagiarism
A student who submits written material as his/her own work which has been copied in whole or in part from another person’s writing without proper acknowledgment is guilty of plagiarism. Material, whether published or unpublished, copied from another writer must be identified by the use of quotation marks and documentation with specific citation of the source. Paraphrased material must likewise be attributed to the original author.
Copying another student’s paper, with or without his/her permission, or using his/her ideas with only minimal reworking is plagiarism just as is copying material from printed books and magazines without giving credit to the original source. Having another person do his/her work and submitting it as his/her own is considered cheating.
2) Reporting Procedures:
a. First Offense
The professor will confront the student and the student should be given an opportunity to respond. Taking the student’s response into account, the professor will indicate to the student what action will be taken according to the University policy and what procedures will be carried out for reporting the matter to the Vice President of Academic Affairs. The professor will have the student sign an academic
Misconduct incident report and give the student a copy of the report. If this is a first incident of plagiarism, the student will receive an “incomplete” for the assignment and the instructor will require the paper to be rewritten in correct form.
b. Second Offense
The student will receive a “0” for that assignment and will need to re-submit the assignment with a full letter grade reduction as penalty. A notice of the academic offence will be submitted to the Vice President for of Student Affairs with a copy of the incident report form and the plagiarized paper or relevant material put in the student’s file.
c. Third Offense
The Professor will send a copy of the incident report to the Vice President for Academic Affairs. The student will meet with the Vice President of Academic Affairs for consultation regarding academic integrity. The student will fail the course. The student is placed on disciplinary probation.
Computer Skills Policy:
Of course, THE STUDENTS are ultimately responsible for creating and maintaining a secure backup file of all courses sent to Holy Spirit University (online as well as offline). While the occurrence of a course being lost online is very rare, it does happen. The student is responsible for keeping a copy of his/her work. WE HATE TO SAY IT THIS WAY, but the Holy Spirit University staff cannot be in the business of teaching basic computer/word-processing skills. Our world is certainly changing at a very rapid pace. No college or graduate institution today would think to teach new students how to use a typewriter since this is now considered a given as an entry requirement. In the same way, online students are now expected to bring with them at least the basic knowledge of computer/word-processor use (such as how to file and edit).
In some cases, it may be necessary for new students to take a computer/word processing course from a vendor in his or her own community, or secure the help of a friend who has mastered the basics. Of course, as online skills relate specifically to the use of the Holy Spirit University Internet Access Port, we certainly are prepared to assist you in any way possible. If ever you are just “plain old stuck”, send an email message explaining your problem to: There is a solution to every problem, and together we will find it.
Each course must be completed with a passing grade of not less than a “C” (75%) for undergraduate programs, and a “B” (85%) for graduate level programs. If a grade falls below the required minimum, you will not be automatically failed, but will be assisted in knowing exactly what is required for successful re-submission. The goal is always to assure that you will receive the highest quality education possible, and you may be confident that we will actively work with you toward this goal.
Graduation Policy:
After all academic and financial requirements are validated by the office of the Registrar, you will be graduated. You will have the option of graduating in absentee.
In which case, the degree is mailed to you after graduation ceremony. You also have the option of attending the graduation exercises. Graduation information is sent to all prospective graduates each year. Annual graduation exercises are extraordinary events, and you are encouraged to consider adding this unique component to your educational experience.
How to Apply for Graduation:
IMPORTANT … Even though we will attempt to contact you once you have completed the final course in your program, it is your responsibility to petition for graduation. In order to help you prepare for this, here is a general check-list.
1. Have all Accounts Paid in Full.
2. Have all Courses Completed and Graded.
3. Official Transcripts and all other Required Documentation on file.
4. Decide Whether You Will Attend Graduation exercises.
5. Contact the Registrar for the Correct Graduation Request Form.
6. Submit the Correct Graduation Request Form Along With the Appropriate Fee.
7. Follow-up on Any Question of Which You are not 100% Certain.
Civil Rights Policy
The Holy Spirit University admits male or female students of any race, color, nationality, or ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs and activities generally accorded to students by our administrative or educational policies.
Information Collection and Use
Confidentiality is very important to us. HSU will not sell, share, or rent this information to anyone at anytime.
Log Files
We use IP addresses to analyze trends, administer the site, track user’s movement, and gather broad demographic information for aggregate use. IP addresses are not linked to personally identifiable information.
What are cookies? A cookie is a small piece of information that is sent to your browser when you access a website. The use of cookies is an industry standard. You will find cookies at most major websites. There are two kinds of cookies. A session cookie is a line of text that is stored temporarily in your computer’s RAM. Because a session cookie is never written to a drive, it is destroyed as soon as you close your browser. A persistent cookie is a more permanent line of text that gets saved by your browser to a file on your hard drive. Depending on your browser settings, you may receive notification that a given site is requesting cookie information, possibly with an expiration date. Persistent cookies have an expiration date in the future. Session cookies have no date associated with them.
Session Cookies
On those pages where uses “session cookies” to facilitate your use of this site, We do not collect personal information about you and the cookie will be destroyed as soon as you exit your browser. There is no information stored on your computer and no unauthorized files are written onto your disk drives. The kind of cookies used are called “session cookies” and they help you use this website interactively. A session cookie is destroyed as soon as you close your browser.
These “session cookies” do not collect information about you, but only about your browser “session.” The cookie makes it easier for you to use the dynamic features of these web pages, without having to provide the same information again as you move from one page to another. You will find the use of these “session cookies” on several of our data access tools. For example, these cookies provide a means for us to maintain your login.
To protect your privacy, be sure to use the logout link or close your browser completely after you have finished conducting business with any website that uses cookies. If you are concerned about the potential use of information gathered from your computer by cookies, you can set your browser to prompt you before it accepts a cookie. Most Internet browsers have settings that let you identify and/or reject cookies.
Normal Cookies
We use non-session cookies, cookies that persist beyond your current visit to the site for one purpose.
2. Persistent Login
If you choose, you may use the “Remember Me” feature when logging in to the site. Doing so will result in a cookie with an expiration date of 360 days from the day you last visited to be set. This cookie contains a unique identifier that’s used to match future visits with your account and login on this site. There is no personally identifiable information in this cookie. At any time you may opt-out of this feature by simply clicking the “Logout” link at any time while visiting the site. This feature can be handy if you’re the only person using your computer to access this site. If it’s a public computer, We do not recommend using this feature.
You may choose to not accept this cookie. You will still be able to use the site, but will have to provide login information each subsequent visit to the site when placing an order, accessing your account, etc.
Publicly Displayed Information displays some user information on the website such that it’s publicly available. This includes the IP address you were using to connect to the website, the email address on your account, and your username. The posting of this information will always be in conjunction with you posting content to this website.
Notification of Changes
If We decide to change this privacy policy We will post those changes on this page so You are always aware of what information We collect, how We use it, and under circumstances, if any, We disclose it. If at any point We decide to use personally identifiable information in a manner different from that stated at the time it was collected, We will notify users by way of an email. Users will have a choice as to whether or not We use their information in this different manner. We will use information in accordance with the privacy policy under which the information was collected.
HSU Administrator
We look forward to serving you