من نحن

لأنك تشتاق أن تحصل على شهادة في اللاهوت من جامعة معتمدة من أعلى منظمات الإعتماد الدولية لكليات والجامعات اللاهوتية في العالم، ومسجلة رسمياً في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية. جامعة لكل الطوائف المسيحية، الأولى في الدراسة 100% أُون لاين Online، باللغتين العربية أو الإنجليزية .. جامعة فريدة ووحيدة من نوعها على مستوى العالم. تأسست عام 1998. ومؤسسها معروف في الخدمة كمعلم وباحث لاهوتي ومؤلف لكتب ومراجع لاهوتية .. الدكتور القس نبيل أسعد هو صيدلي متفرغ لخدمة الكلمة منذ عام 1984 وهو قسا مرتسما مع واحدة من أعظم الطوائف المسيحية العالمية – Assemblies of God بأمريكا منذ عام 1991.

جامعة الروح القدس قد تأسست عام 1998، وقد أسسها الدكتور القس نبيل أسعد والذي يعمل الآن كرئيس للجامعة. وقد بدأ هذا بمساعدة الراحل الدكتور القس هارولد شندول Dr. Harold L. Shindoll . الدكتور نبيل أسعد حاصل على بكالوريوس صيدلة عام 1984 وحصل أيضاً على دكتوراه في اللاهوت في الدراسات الكتابية (Doctor of Theology in Biblical Studies) وأيضاً دكتوراه في الفلسفة في التعليم المسيحي (Doctor of Philosophy in Christian Education) وأخيراً دكتوراه في اللاهوت النصح الرعوي (Doctor of Ministry in Pastoral/Christian Counseling) من جامعة فلوريا المسيحية (Florida Christian University) والذي شغل منصب "عميد" لنفس الجامعة في بين عام 2000 و عام 2003.

ولقد بدأت الجامعة عملها على أن تساعد كل من الذين يفضلون الدراسة في داخل الفصل بطريقة منتظمة، وأيضاً هؤلاء الذين يفضلون الدراسة بالامتداد (Extension Distance) كما سيلي شرح هذا تفصيلياً في الكتالوج وذلك من خلال سيمينارات (مؤتمرات دراسية)، وشرائط فيديو وكاسيت مع مساعدات من أساتذة للاهوت وأعضاء لجنة إدارة الجامعة. هذه الجامعة هدفها أن تخدم كل من الذين هم في الشرق الأوسط والذين هم خارج الشرق الأوسط، أمريكا، أستراليا، كندا، أوربا، أسيا .. الخ.

أيضاً الجامعة لها مناهج للدراسة في المستوى الجامعي وتعطي درجات الدبلوم والبكالوريوس والماجستير والدكتوراه باللغة العربية وأيضاً باللغة الإنجليزية.

الراحل الدكتور القس هارولد شندول Dr. Harold L. Shindoll

Dr. Harold L. Shindoll

يقول د.ق. نبيل أسعد عن د. هارولد شندول: الدكتور هارولد شندول هو أستاذي في اللاهوت ومؤسس ورئيس كلية فلوريدا لللاهوت Florida Theological Seminary وهو معلم لكلمة الله ومؤلف لمراجع لاهوتية تُدرس في كليات لاهوت كثيرة. وكان يتصف بروح التمييز الثاقب الذي لم أتقابل مع مثيله من قبل. دعوه البعض "نبي" وآخرون دعوه معلم وراعي. كان يهتم بالفرد كما كان يهتم بالحشد الكبير. وعظ عشرات الألاف في مكان واحد وقضى ساعات ليساعد بها فرد واحد مثلي.

Accreditation and Authorization

إن إعتماد وسلطة الجامعة مستمدة من مستوى تعليمها الأكاديمى ويتبرهن ذلك من إعتماد شهادة ورخصة هيئات إعتماد محلية وعالمي. وإعتماد جميع الكليات والجامعات المسيحية هو إعتماد خاص بالخدمات المسيحية والدينية فقط بسبب فصل الدولة عن الدين بأمريكا. ونستطيع إن نسرد لكم باللغة الإنجليزية إعتماد وشهادة وترخيص جامعة الروح القدس من ولاية فلوريدا بالولايات المتحدة الأمريكية وأيضا من أكبر هيئات الإعتماد العالمية.

Accreditation is the act of certifying that an educational institution maintains suitable standards; the granting of approval to an institution of learning by an official review board after the school has met certain requirements. Specifically, accreditation is the review of a school's course offerings and procedures by a group of its peers to certify that that school is meeting its own stated objectives and offering its students the education it promises them.

Authorization for ecclesiastical educational entities not issuing secular degrees is not acquired through the same state and federal agencies through which secular educational institutions acquire authorization. The primary reason for this is the U.S. Constitutional matter of the separation of Church and State. The secular authorization system essentially grants regulatory oversight of the curriculum offered by educational institutions authorized by it.

The consensus of the vast majority of Christian parochial educational institutions offering Biblically based education and theological training is that curricular authorization for such Christian vocational educational institutions cannot be properly assessed by secular agencies, and that Christian vocational educational institutions have a U.S. Constitutional right to establish their curriculum according to their own particular doctrinal convictions.

Many Christian vocational educational institutions, including HSU, are of the firm conviction that authorization through recognized Christian vocational educational agencies is vitally important and that Christian vocational authorization should be established in order to insure proper standards of academic excellence.

(1) The Holy Spirit University is a member of the Florida Council of Private Colleges, Inc. (FCPC) which represents its private, faith based, post secondary educational institution members before any individual, private or government educational organization.

The FCPC is an educational association that provides experienced, educational, quality peer review of the following:

faculty, academic curriculum, course development, web site, distance learning processes, campus operations, catalogs, brochures, advertisements, application forms, financial information,

and student records and transcripts to FCPC standards, which exceed the minimum standards F.S. 1005.06(1)(f) and F.S. 1005.04 of the State of Florida. For verification of all FCPC standards go to www.fcpc-edu.org

(2) We are also proud to announce that the Holy Spirit University Inc. is fully accredited from the ACCREDITING COMMISSION INTERNATIONAL (ACI), "The World's Largest Non-governmental Accrediting agency".

For more information please visit: www.accreditnow.com ACI has 322 schools, seminary, Bible College, universities in 9 countries, and in 39 states (USA), with 21,000 students. One of ACI requirements is that member

schools, seminary, Bible College, universities accept credits from other members if they apply to their programs. All the students of Holy Spirit University will enjoy these benefits.

Dr. John F. Scheel

President of Accrediting Commission International

Dr. John F. Scheel, Ph.D. (President)

Accrediting Commission International, President (1989-Now)

+ Jesus Name Christian School, Stuttgart, AR (Graduated with Honors in 1966) + Aenon Bible College, A. TH. 1970
+ Associate of Arts, Central Baptist College, 1976 (N.C.A.)
+ B.A. 1977
+ Master of Divinity, Luther Rice Seminary, 1978 (Tracs)
+ Doctor of Philosophy, Toledo Bible Collge and Seminary, 1980 (English Accreditation)

Honorary Degrees:
+ Doctor of Christian Education, Moody Theological Seminary, 1986
+ Doctor of Human Letters, Washington Saturday College, 1977

Accrediting Commission International (ACI) has a membership of over 310 schools, colleges, universities, and theological seminaries in 39 United States and 8 countries of the world. It is the world's largest non-governmental accrediting body.

Dr. Michael Festa

Dr. Michael Festa, Ph.D. Experience:
Health Officer, Director of Hazardous Response Newark, NJ. He is responsible for the infectious disease control at the Essex County Youth House. Dr. Festa is also the Health Officer for the South Orange, NJ Township. He is the supervisor of all employees of the Heath Department.

Educational Experience:
Dr. Festa is an Adjunct Professor of Kean College, Union, NJ, and Instructor at the Essex County Police Academy, Instructor/Lecturer for Turning Point, Inc., and an Instructor/Trainer American Red Cross, Fairfield, NJ. Dr. Festa is also a licensed clinical Alcohol and Drug Counselor and is certified by the State of New Jersey for counseling for alcohol and drugs.

Dr. Michael Festa received his education from the National University of Graduate Studies, Commonwealth Open University, Montclair State University, and Farleigh Dickinson University.

(3) The Holy Spirit University is also a member of the Council of Private Cplleges of America (CPCA). The Council of Private Colleges of America (CPCA) is a certification agency that establishes operating standards for educational or professional institutions and programs in US states, territories and internationally where it is feasible to do so.  The CPCA determines the extent to which the standards are met, and publicly announces their findings.  Certification with the Council of Private Colleges of America includes quality peer review, certification Facilitator Team visits, verifying data to CPCA standards for educational or professional institutions and programs which are similar to accreditation.

CPCA certification requires affirmation of compliance with the academic excellence standards of the CPCA patterned after our early historical United States educational institutions of higher learning. CPCA standards equal or exceed the minimum standards of many State Departments of Education. http://www.cpca-edu.us

HSU Certificates